- ハードウェア
- Libero 003Z
- Advanced W-ZERO3[es]
- PC
- ソフトウェア
- MS Outlook 2002
- Windows Mobile デバイスセンター
- CLIE PalmDesktop
- IntelliSync Lite(CLIE に付属のもの)
- Windows Vista
- Libero に Google アカウントを設定して同期。
- Ad[es] に『Setting up your Windows Mobile phone for Google Sync』の様に設定して Google と同期。
- PC に必要なソフトウェアをインストールしておく。
- 同 PC に Ad[es] を接続して MS Outlook と同期。
- 同 PC に CLIE を接続して MS Outlook と同期。
- (゚д゚)ウマー
angleiea 曰く、
The clean oil is always present near the center of the rotating axis. An outlet in the middle of the container is used from which clean re usable motor oil is drawn from and stored for use in the future. Cleaning used motor oil using a centrifuge system is that easy.
I know that I gave you my number but now I realize that sometimes I write numbers in a scribble, especially when I'm excited, which I was, so maybe you haven't been able to decode it or left a message for the wrong number. I know this sounds crazy to say after one encounter but I kind of fell for you pretty hard it has been forever since I've connected to anyone like this my heart is kind of broken in a million pieces. Hit me up if you think anything in this description matches anything you remember, and if so, maybe we can chill sometime? You were wearing a red t shirt with a pocket..
When it comes to pricing, the dolls are a bit like real estate; the true cost is discovered after the upgrades. They start at $125. A purple leotard is $17.