twitter の検索結果 標準 順 約 1260 件中 341 から 360 件目(63 頁中 18 頁目) 
- Twitter APIポケットリファレンス
- 2011年07月
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 4.0(5)
Twitter APIの機能を完全解剖!最新のAPI群もサンプルコードを交えてわかりやすく解説。PHP、Java、Ruby、Pythonなどメジャーな言語でTwitter APIを自在にプログラミング。ライブラリのセットアップ方法、JSON、OAuthなど重要な技術要素も、総合的に解説。この1冊でTwitter APIの全機能がわかる、使える、開発できる。
- The Twitter Book
- Tim O'Reilly/Sarah Milstein
- ¥2640
- 2009年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
This practical, full-color guide explains how to make the most of Twitter and how to use this new technology to track news, stay connected to friends and family, or market a business.
- Get Rich with Twitter: Harness the Power of the Twitterverse and Reach More Customers Than Ever Befo
- Dennis Prince
- ¥3168
- 2010年
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- 0.0(0)
Master today's most powerful marketing toolfor instant customer engagement!Today's customers have no patience for a long-winded marketing pitch. What they wantis useful and engaging information--in 140 characters or less. The most successfulcampaigns these days are short, sweet, and right to the point."Get Rich with Twitter" reveals the secrets of using the most popular and fastest-growingmicroblogging tool to reach customers more effectively than ever before--at a fraction ofthe cost to you. Learn how to: Establish a solid foothold in the TwitterverseBuild a following of loyal, active customersCraft engaging and effective messages (tweets)Monitor all Twitter activity concerning your businessDevelop a sure-fire viral marketing campaignYou don't need to do a big song and dance to get customers interested in your product.Simply give them a tweet. They'll hear you loud and clear.
- Twitter for Dummies
- Laura Fitton/Michael E. Gruen/Leslie Poston
- ¥3872
- 2010年
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- 0.0(0)
A fully updated guide to the how and why of using Twitter, this second edition explains how to sign up, find friends and people to follow, make the most of shortcuts, use popular Twitter tools, and Twitter on the go.
- Twitter Revolution: How Social Media and Mobile Marketing Is Changing the Way We Do Business & Marke
- Deborah Micek/Warren Whitlock
- ¥3009
- 2008年
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- 0.0(0)
NO RULESThe revolution is underway. The power of social media lies with the people who use tools like You decide how to use your power.Our goal is not to create rules to follow on Twitter. We simply want to give you the best tips, resources and strategies to guide your success on Twitter at an accelerated pace. Our mission is to help you avoid trial and error as early adopters were forced to endure, and help you participate in one of the greatest communication revolution of our time. This book was designed to help show everyone from the small business owner to the CEO of a large corporation; from work at home moms to politicians in Washington, DC how they can participate in the fastest growing social network and micro-blogging revolution taking place right now. Join us on Twitter!
- Twitter and Tweet: Bringing Home a Bird
- Amanda Doering Tourville/Andi Carter/Sharon Hurley
- ¥5720
- 2008年
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- 0.0(0)
Life cycle timeline/Labeled diagram of animal/Glossary/Sidebars/Further Reading/Book List/Index/Content Consultants/Safe Web sites at
Benchmarks for Science Literacy: The Nature of Science: The Scientific Enterprise; National Science Education Standards: Life Science Content Standards C: Organisms and their Environments. Quizzes at
- Twitter for Good: Change the World One Tweet at a Time
- Claire Diaz-Ortiz/Biz Stone
- ¥3960
- 2011年
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- 0.0(0)
As recent events in Japan, the Middle East, and Haiti have shown, Twitter offers a unique platform to connect individuals and influence change in ways that were unthinkable only a short time ago. Ortiz, Twitter's head of corporate social innovation and philanthropy, shares the same strategies she offers to organizations launching cause-based campaigns.