カミクズヒロイ書籍検索 楽天ウェブサービスセンター

LGBT の検索結果 高価 順 約 400 件中 21 から 40 件目(20 頁中 2 頁目) RSS

  • Handbook of Lgbt-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy
    • Jerry J. Bigner/Joseph L. Wetchler
    • ¥24534
    • 2012年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • The Handbook of LGBT-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy provides a unique and important contribution to the LGBT clinical literature. It is a comprehensive and specific overview, spanning thirty chapters, of the diverse and complex issues involved in LGBT couple and family therapy. It is the first comprehensive overview of LGBT couple and family therapy in almost fifteen years, and only the second in the history of the field. It discusses in depth clinical issues with LGBT couples and families (including raising LGBT children, coming out issue, and elderly LGBT couple issues), sex therapy, ethical and training issues, and special issues such as health, domestic violence, substance abuse, and spirituality. Because of the breadth of the book, its specificity, and the expertise of the contributing authors and editors, it will be the definitive Handbook on LGBT Couple and Family Therapy.
  • The LGBT Casebook
    • Petros Levounis/Jack Drescher/Mary Barber
    • ¥17864
    • 2012年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to LGBT Youth
    • Annemarie Vaccaro/Gerri August/Megan S. Kennedy
    • ¥16456
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Based on extensive research, recent events, and numerous first-person accounts, this revealing book illuminates both the challenges and triumphs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, and offers effective strategies for combating LGBT marginalization in our nation's schools and communities.
