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Amazon の検索結果 ベストセラー 順 約 2000 件中 901 から 920 件目(100 頁中 46 頁目) RSS

    • アークシステムワークス
    • ¥2723
    • 2011年10月27日
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • シリーズ一作目を収録したPSP版「BLAZBLUE」が廉価版となって登場!

    PSPソフト「BLAZBLUE CALAMITY TRIGGER Portable」がこの秋、お求めやすい価格となって再登場!



  • Oil in the Soil: The Politics of Paying to Preserve the Amazon
    • Pamela L. Martin
    • ¥31820
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Oil in the Soil analyzes the campaign to save the ITT block of Yasun National Park in Ecuador's Western Amazon one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Pamela L. Martin examines the path-breaking global environmental governance mechanisms that have resulted from the Yasun -ITT Initiative and its implications for replication around the world.
  • Una Tarde En El Amazonas (Afternoon on the Amazon)
    • Mary Pope Osborne/Salvatore Murdocca/Marcela Brovelli
    • ¥3238
    • 2004年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • For use in schools and libraries only. Eight-year-old Jack, his seven-year-old sister, Annie, and Peanut the mouse ride in a tree house to the Amazon rain forests, where they encounter giant ants, flesh-eating piranhas, hungry crocodiles, and wild jaguars.
  • Black as Snow
    • Nick Nolan
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
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    • 0.0(0)
  • Postcards from Nam
    • Uyen Nicole Duong
    • ¥1742
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Afternoon on the Amazon
    • Mary Pope Osborne
    • ¥2728
    • 1995年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • For use in schools and libraries only. Books in a tree house give kids the magic to travel to far away places and time periods.
  • Alison Wonderland
    • Helen Smith
    • ¥2217
    • 2011年
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    • 0.0(0)
  • Carry Yourself Back to Me
    • Deborah Reed
    • ¥2217
    • 2011年
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    • 0.0(0)
  • With a broken heart, a stalled career, and a troubled family, singer-songwriter Annie Walsh seeks refuge at her secluded home, surrounded by a lush Florida tangelo grove and the company of her old dog Detour. But a crime connected to her brother Calder threatens to tear her family apart, and Annie is forced to shore up her loyalties and question some profound disappoints of her past. From the ever-changing present, where each hour brings an unforeseen piece of news, to the poignant childhood days of first allegiances and life-changing loss, circumstances converge and Annie steps out to lull the reader into this soulful, stirring journey like a fine and forlorn love ballad. Carry Yourself Back to Me cultivates an often tender, sometimes tart world of love and loss. Inflected with melancholy and redeemed by melody, this deeply affecting story is certain to strike a resonant chord in the heart.
  • Paris Noire
    • Francine Thomas Howard
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
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    • 0.0(0)
  • True Detective
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
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    • 0.0(0)
  • Blood and Thunder
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • 1935. Louisiana. Presidential candidate?and force of nature?Huey Long, the ?Kingfish, ? is in fear for his life. After Nathan Heller delivers the former Louisiana governor a bulletproof vest, the Kingfish hires the Chicago private eye to investigate death threats from political rivals. Soon Heller runs head-on into an IRS investigation seeking millions skimmed from state workers for Huey's ?de-duct box?...and into the arms of the ex-governor's lovely ex-mistress.When the charismatic politician is shot down by a seemingly crazed doctor, Heller gets a new employer?the insurance agency fighting a double-indemnity claim from Long's widow. Was the Kingfish truly the victim of assassination, or accidentally killed by his own bodyguards? A classic P.I. thriller built on historical fact, Max Allan Collins? Blood and Thunder showcases Huey Long in all his gaudy glory, while delving deep into the heart of the deadliest swamps of Louisiana's mob-infested politics.
  • Stolen Away
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • March 1932. After the recently incarcerated Al Capone offers to negotiate the return of the kidnapped son of Charles Lindbergh, Nathan Heller of the Chicago P.D. is sent to Hopewell, New Jersey, as a police liaison. As a part of Lindbergh's inner circle, Heller investigates crooks, cranks, socialites, and psychics in a frustrating, fruitless attempt to solve the case.Max Allan Collins makes the crime that captivated a nation the focal point of yet another fascinating and thoroughly spellbinding foray into his world of historical crime fiction. Four years later, in 1936, Heller ? now a private detective, and considered an expert and insider on the Lindbergh case ? is hired by the governor of New Jersey in an eleventh-hour quest to determine the guilt or innocence of Bruno Hauptmann, who sits on death row convicted of the murder and kidnapping of the Lindbergh child.?A novel of the Lindbergh kidnapping by the master of ?true-crime? fiction... Don?t miss it! Publishers Weekly
  • True Crime
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • 1934 Chicago dazzles with fast action and calculating, cold-blooded meanness as private detective Nate Heller combs Chicago's North Side looking for John Dillinger. But things take a turn for the strange when self-aggrandizing G-Man Melvin Purvis shoots down a Dillinger double in front of the Biograph Theater. Full of muscle and oozing Chicago's tough-guy persona to the hilt, Max Allan Collins? Nate Heller is the ultimate private investigator?in the ultimate P.I. town. Heller's undercover search for a farmer?s-daughter-turned-gun-moll has him on the dusty Depression backroads of middle America, in the company of Ma Barker and her boys, Baby Face Nelson, Alvin Karpis, and a very-much-still-alive Dillinger?whose outlandish plan to kidnap J. Edgar Hoover in downtown Chicago is one Heller tries to foil. Including appearances by fan dancer Sally Rand, boxer Barney Ross, and Heller's ?godfather, ? Frank Nitti, True Crime is a relentless classic.
  • Chicago Confidential
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • It's 1950 in Chicago, P.I. Nate Heller's old stomping grounds. But things are different now, and the wind is blowing in a different, decidedly more dangerous direction. Congressman-with-a-cause and presidential-hopeful Estes Kefauver creates the Committee on Organized Crime to put the squeeze on the mob?and anyone who ever associated with them. Heller tries to lay low, but when ex-cop Bill Drury cooperates and mafia moll Jackie Payne sings, Heller finds himself catapulted into the middle of the investigation. Quick wits and tough talk swirl in the middle of Kefauver's senatorial charade as Max Allan Collins blends fact and fiction to stunning results. When Drury is murdered and Jackie disappears, Heller decides it's time for a little payback?and maybe some ice cold justice. With the mob and Kefauver's crime committee hot on his trial, Heller mixes with the likes of Frank Sinatra, Jayne Mansfield, and Senator Joe McCarthy on a wild Windy City ride.
  • The Million-Dollar Wound
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
    • 取り寄せ
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • In 1942, Chicago P.I. Nate Heller and his childhood pal, boxer Barney Ross, join the Marines and see bloody action together at Guadalcanal. Upon his return to gangland Chicago, the shell-shocked Heller?more dangerous than ever?is thrust into the midst of an inter-gang war to depose Capone's successor Frank Nitti, whose minions are infiltrating Hollywood movie unions. In this crushing finale to rough-and-tumble Nate Heller's Frank Nitti trilogy, Max Allan Collins delves into the damaged psyche of war veterans as a full-on gangland war threatens to explode. As tempers in Hollywood flare-up, Heller attempts to solve a murder committed behind enemy lines, and deal with the drug addiction of his friend Barney. But not even the company of fan dancer Sally Rand can ease Heller's conscience as he is haunted by the events at Guadalcanal even as he's surrounded by the murder and mayhem of Nitti's final, violent days.
  • Carnal Hours
    • Max Allan Collins
    • ¥2376
    • 2011年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • In July 1943, Nate Heller flies to Nassau where multimillionaire Sir Harry Oakes wants dirt dug up on Count De Marigny, the playboy who has married Harry's beautiful, underage daughter, Nancy. But the investigation has barely begun when Sir Harry turns up dead in bed?burned to death in a real-life locked-room mystery?and Heller is soon working for Nancy, whose husband faces murder charges. Chicago P.I. Heller is on his most intriguing?and dangerous?mission yet in this devilishly clever thriller filled with surprising twists and sharp turns. With the world at war, the peaceful Bahamas provide an ironic, idyllic backdrop for Nazis, the mafia, and two lovely women: one a native girl, the other an aristocratic Englishwoman. Heller is aided by a certain British secret service agent (?Fleming...Ian Fleming?), and encounters along the way the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Meyer Lanksy, and Perry Mason's creator, Erle Stanley Gardner.
