Linux の検索結果 新刊 順 約 2000 件中 1261 から 1280 件目(100 頁中 64 頁目)
- LINUX詳説 基礎編
- 2004年02月
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
Windowsの対抗馬ともいわれるLinux。2つのOSについて、それぞれ特徴を語られ異なる見方で評価されています。本書はUNIXの特徴を引き継ぐLinuxに関して、基礎的な使い方について、その方法と仕組みについて、技術書として淡々と述べるものです。観念的に理解するのではなく、しっかりとした理解を得られることを目的としたものです。「UNIX詳説 基礎編」という書籍が、UNIXの入門手引き書として好評を博しました(1984年に初版、1990年に改訂2版)。初版から20年、改訂2版から10年強。同書を引き継ぐLinux解説書の決定版です。
- Fedora Coreで作る最強の自宅サ-バ-
- 2004年02月
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
- 使える! Linuxザウルス超活用&カスタマイズbook
- 2004年01月
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
「テレビ録画ムービー」の再生、月額300円で「IP電話」使い放題、街の「ホットスポット」でネット接続、「無線LAN」でネットにつなぐ、「MP3」の再生ほか大技・裏技満載!仕事はもちろん、遊びに・趣味に使えるLinuxザウルスの超活用&カスタマイズBOOKです。巻頭特集では新型ザウルス『SL-C860』を徹底検証!(SHERP Zaurus SL-C700/C750/C760/C860対応)
- The Definitive Guide to Linux Network Programming
- Nathan Yocom/John Turner/Keir Davis
- ¥11088
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
This clear, concise book assumes that readers know C and have experience developing code on Linux, but provides everything else a programmer needs for real-world network programming, including design, implementation, debugging, and security. Readers will learn about the many kinds of socket types, sessioned vs. sessionless protocols, how to build a custom protocol, encryption, how to use SSL, and how to tunnel data.
- Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix Systems
- Dave Taylor
- ¥4752
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
Fun and functional Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX shell scripts The UNIX shell is the main scripting environment of every Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX system, whether a rescued laptop or a million-dollar mainframe. This cookbook of useful, customizable, and fun scripts gives you the tools to solve common Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX problems and personalize your computing environment. Among the more than 100 scripts included are an interactive calculator, a spell checker, a disk backup utility, a weather tracker, and a web logfile analysis tool. The book also teaches you how to write your own sophisticated shell scripts by explaining the syntax and techniques used to build each example scripts. Examples are written in Bourne Shell (sh) syntax.
- The Complete Guide to Linux System Administration
- Nick Wells
- ¥70100
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
This text has been written for the most current and popular Linux Operating System, Red Hat Fedora. Nick Wells has extensive experience with Linux and the Linux Professional Institute and has created a hands-on text that will maximize your students' success on the Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT) exam while also preparing them for the SAIR/GNU Linux Certified Administrator (LCA) Certification.
- Linux Unwired
- Roger Weeks/Edd Wilder-James/Brian Jepson
- ¥3960
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
@lt;DIV@gt;From the author of "Wireless Hacks," comes a Linux guide for home, for the office, and for the road.@lt;/div@gt;
- Linux Pocket Guide
- Daniel J. Barrett
- ¥1237
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
- Linux Cookbook
- Carla Schroder
- ¥7920
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
- Linux Shell Scripting with Bash
- Ken O. Burtch
- ¥11000
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
With the proliferation of Linux as both a server and desktop operating system, users are looking for more advanced methods of getting up and running quickly and efficiently solving problems. This new resource emphasizes professional scripting solutions through the use of structured programming and standard Linux development tools--an essential asset for any Linux user.
- Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit [With CD-ROM]
- David Allen/Herb Lewis/John Stile
- ¥10542
- 2004年
- 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
- 0.0(0)
This book provides the system administrator with all the information, tools, and guidance--including fully functioning scripts--to migrate from Windows NT/2000 to any Linux variant. David Allen shows how to migrate away from Microsoft Active Directory and Exchange Server, and add anti-virus/anti-spam features for free.