カミクズヒロイ書籍検索 楽天ウェブサービスセンター

Linux の検索結果 高価 順 約 2000 件中 41 から 60 件目(100 頁中 3 頁目) RSS

  • Guide to Parallel Operating Systems with Windows XP and Linux
    • Ron Carswell/Terrill Freese/Heidi Webb
    • ¥21859
    • 2006年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Parallel Operating Systems with Windows and Linux introduces the key features of computer operating systems. It assumes that the students have previously used a personal computer with the Windows or Linux operating systems. This text uses a unique approach for the presentation of operating system concepts. Each concept will first be presented conceptually. Then the concepts will be demonstrated on both of the two operating systems in parallel. This parallel structure will be enabled by using Microsoft Virtual PC 2004. Students will be able to instantly switch between the two operating systems to complete the numerous hands-on activities.
  • Mastering Linux
    • Paul S. Wang
    • ¥18286
    • 2010年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Helping readers easily use and program Linux/UNIX, this text is written more concisely and provides more depth of coverage than existing introductions to Linux/UNIX. It covers interactive usage, tools and applications, system administration, web hosting, C-level programming, and software maintenance for the Linux/UNIX operating system. The author also describes the software packages for Linux, including Apache, PHP, and MySQL. He supplies many realistic examples as well as complete code files for download. The companion website http: //ml.sofpower.com/ provides supplemental information, hands-on experiments, and updates.
  • Linux for Embedded and Real-Time Applications [With CDROM]
    • Doug Abbott
    • NEWNES
    • ¥17177
    • 2006年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • This new edition of Abbott's solid introduction to embedded Linux brings the book back to the cutting-edge. The embedded market for Linux has continued to expand--recent research indicates that Linux is fast becoming the OS of choice for embedded systems. This new edition still provides a reader-friendly overview, and the updates to it will ensure significantly bolstered coverage of the basics.
