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PHP の検索結果 高価 順 約 2000 件中 341 から 360 件目(100 頁中 18 頁目) RSS

  • Extending and Embedding PHP
    • Sara Golemon
    • SAMS
    • ¥8712
    • 2006年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • In just a few years PHP has rapidly evolved from a small niche language to a powerful web development tool. Now in use on over 14 million Web sites, PHP is more stable and extensible than ever. However, there is no documentation on how to extend PHP; developers seeking to build PHP extensions and increase the performance and functionality of their PHP applications are left to word of mouth and muddling through PHP internals without systematic, helpful guidance. Although the basics of extension writing are fairly easy to grasp, the more advanced features have a tougher learning curve that can be very difficult to overcome. This is common at any moderate to high-traffic site, forcing the company hire talented, and high-priced, developers to increase performance. With Extending and Embedding PHP, Sara Golemon makes writing extensions within the grasp of every PHP developer, while guiding the reader through the tricky internals of PHP.
  • PHP and MySQL Web Development [With CDROM]
    • Luke Welling/Laura Thomson
    • ¥8712
    • 2008年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Using the same accessible, popular teaching style of the three previous editions, this book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the rapidly changing landscape of MySQL and PHP. This edition includes updated examples and coverage of recent versions of PHP, through PHP 5.3.
  • Head First PHP & MySQL: A Brain-Friendly Guide
    • Lynn Beighley/Michael Morrison
    • ¥8712
    • 2009年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • Have you mastered HTML and CSS, but want to take your static web pages to the next level and transform them into professional, dynamic, database-driven web sites? Head First PHP and MySQL is the perfect primer for server-side programming in PHP and MySQL, full of real-world examples that cover everything from essential PHP and MySQL syntax to form validation, cookies, session IDs, database queries and joins, file I/O operations, content management, and more. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First PHP and MySQL uses a visually rich approach designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. This book drives all the knowledge you need to get up and running straight into your brain, turning you into a savvy web developer in no time!
  • Murach's PHP and MySQL
    • Joel Murach/Ray Harris
    • ¥8624
    • 2010年
    • 送料無料(コンビニ送料含む)
    • 0.0(0)
  • This book gets you off to a fast start by showing you how to develop, test, and debug basic PHP applications that get data from MySQL databases in Section 1. Then, Section 2 takes you deep into PHP by covering the skills you'll use every day in professional applications, like how to work with form data, dates, arrays, sessions, cookies, functions, objects, regular expressions, and exceptions. Likewise, Section 3 dives into MySQL, teaching you how to design and create a database, as well as how to access and maintain database data like a pro. Finally, Section 4 teaches you advanced skills like how to secure web pages, send email, upload files, process images, and access content from other web sites. 16 sample applications along with chapter exercises provide training support throughout.
